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Beginnings of Polish periodontology reach 1930s, when in 1934, at the Lviv Medical Chamber, the Polish Association of Parodontal Research (Polski Związek Badań Parodontalnych) came into being as a rightful member of Association pour les Recherches sur Paradontopathies (ARPA Internationale).

After World War II, in 1947, in Warsaw, the Organizational Committee of Polish ARPA Team (Komitet Organizacyjny Polskiego Zespołu ARPA) arose and in 1956 it became a member of this organization.

After 1970, when ARPA Internationale was dissolved, Polish periodontologists created the Periodontology Section (Sekcja Periodontologii) acting at the Polish Dental Society (Polskie Towarzystwo Stomatologiczne). For all this time the educational and scientific activity was continued within the scope of periodontology.

Pre- and post-graduate trainings on symposiums, workshops and courses during numerous national and international conferences have been organized. One of important results of this activity was the creation of independent periodontal departments at all universities educating dentists in Poland as well as gaining a separate medical-dental specialization in the field of periodontology.

In 1993, Periodontology Section of Polish Dental Society received an invitation to become a member of the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP), and in 1994 its representative participated in EuroPerio1 in Paris, where the Periodontology Section obtained the status of an organization associated with EFP. Full membership in the European Federation of Periodontology, in accordance with its statute, was conditioned on acquiring greater autonomy of Polish periodontologists and such actions have been taken.

Dear Colleagues,

On October 19, 2012, you entrusted me with managing of the Periodontology Section of Polish Dental Society with the mission to create the Polish Society of Periodontology that would enable us to access European structures.
Thus, it is with great pleasure that I inform you that the Polish Society of Periodontology was registered on February 7, 2013 in the National Court Register (KRS), and on March 15, 2013, we became full members of European Federation of Periodontology.

It is great satisfaction for all of us, but it is also a challenge, I am aware how much work we still need to do, for everyone to be satisfied.

Renata Górska

President of the Polish Society of Periodontology